Battlefield 5 is getting custom servers next week, though not without a few missing features

February 2023 · 3 minute read

DICE has finally detailed Battlefield 5's version of custom servers.

Community Games is what DICE is calling private servers in Battlefield 5. Beginning Monday, December 9, players will be able to run their own games with desired settings.

There are, however, a number of limitations, missing features, and a few unanswered questions that remain. First, while you'll be able to earn soldier, weapon and vehicle XP, you won't be able to progress your Tides of War ranks/chapters while playing on these servers. If you decide to password-protect your server, no one playing there will earn any sort of XP.

Server admins will be able to save different configs dictating the number of rounds, maps and so on and switch between them. By the same token, players will be able to edit filters in the game's server browser to find games running specific maps/modes and settings.

At launch, you'll be able to start 16, 32 and 64-player servers with your choice of map and mode, even including out-of-rotation modes. You'll also be able to kick and ban, though only within the same session. That's about what you can do at launch.

So far, there doesn't appear to be any cost associated with running these servers. Everything will run on EA's backend, so servers will be offline when not enough players are on.

A number of other features are in development, with DICE promising an update on these sometime in 2020. Here's what could arrive in 2020:
