Battlefield 4 guide – single-player walkthrough, multiplayer tips, tons more

February 2023 · 4 minute read

Battlefield 4 is finally here. Ensure you're ready for the shooter's latest "levolution" with our exhaustive single-player and multiplayer guide and tips.

The war never ends. The latest Battlefield takes EA's biggest shooter to the Far East, and packs out the franchise's legendary multiplayer with new weapons and vehicles. You're always going to need a leg-up with the latest Battlefield, and the game's fourth major release is no different.

Our Battlefield 4 guide comes in three distinct sections. First up you'll find multiplayer tips for both beginners new to the series and advanced help for those returning for another tour. Battlefield 4's multiplayer builds on the classic open-world formula from the previous games with plenty of weapon balance changes over Battlefield 3 and the inclusion of the fabled "Levolution," or "collapsing buildings" to the layman. Levolution events take place on each one of the ten starting multiplayer maps.

The suppression capabilities of light machine guns have been significantly altered in multiplayer, and carbines are no longer exclusively usable by Engineers. A new progression system called Field Upgrades has been included, meaning the way you specialise in online play has changed markedly. You can get a full breakdown of what's new in the advanced and beginner guides.

The second section is an exhaustive walkthrough of Battlefield 4's single-player campaign. The storyline, which is mainly set in the Far East, features all the shooting, rescuing, shooting, driving, shooting, people strapped to chairs and shooting you'd expect from any Battlefield game. Ships may also be involved. As well as complete guides to each of of the campaign's seven levels, you'll also find details on every Dog Tag and Assignment. Read them all and you won't miss a thing.

The third section is broken down into three smaller parts: there's a complete class guide, to ensure you know what you're doing online; there's a weapons breakdown, meaning you'll be using the right kit in the right situation; and there's a vehicle guide, so you're able to tell the difference between a tank and a plane. Important stuff.

The class guide will fill you in on all the differences between the Assault, Engineer, Support and Recon classes. There's a ton of info there, including starting loadouts, the best modes for each class unique upgrades and notable unlocks. If you're serious about multiplayer you'll need to keep this bookmarked.

The weapons guide is all about the hardware. The range of weapons in Battlefield 4 is extensive, and there are plenty of changes over previous games. The sheer number of options can be baffling in Battlefield games, and the fourth one is no different. You have, for example, major new additions to grenades. As previously mentioned, carbines are now no longer exclusive to engineers, but Personal Defense Weapons (PDW) are now locked specifically to that class. One of the most dominant guns in the game, the M4A1, has been removed entirely. You'll need to read all of this to see what's new.

The vehicle guide offers more then telling you where to refuel. The introduction of the Chinese faction in Battlefield 4 means there are more vehicular options in multiplayer than ever before. Stealth Jets are now a separate entity to Attack Jets, and the Mobile Artillery first introduced in Battlefield 3: Armored Kill makes a return. With Battlefield 4's maps adding more verticality to DICE's winning formula, it's never been more important to hitch the right ride. Make sure you read all of this before taking your game online.

Battlefield 4 will undoubtedly be one of 2013's biggest shooters, and with versions heading over to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 for launch there's never been a better time to get on board with EA's premium gun celebration. You'll find everything you need to get you started - and much, much more - through the links above. Get to it, soldier.
