Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX: starter Pokemon, personality quiz answers and buddy Pokemon

April 2023 · 8 minute read

If you're going to get turned into a Pokemon, you might as well make it a good one.

There's a lot of Pokemon games out there, but the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon subseries differs in one major way: instead of being about the player catching and battling with Pokemon, the player is actually cast as a Pokemon. That's how the critters talk in an understandable language in these games: as a Pokemon, you can understand them.

Latest entry Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX (try saying that a bunch of times fast) is a sort of enhanced remake of the very first games in the series, and that means you're able to choose between one of sixteen different Pokemon, all from earlier generations, as your potential playable character. But it's not as simple as just picking one... the game sort of chooses one for you.

First thing's first - here's a complete list of the Pokemon you can actually play as in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX on Nintendo Switch. The different elements of this table will be explained in detail below the table, where we detail how you can game the personality quiz.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX Personality Quiz Answers: how to game the quiz for a Pokemon of your choice

Okay, so, this is all simpler than it sounds: at the very start of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, you're given a personality quiz. If you just answer this question naturally, the game will match you up with a Pokemon that it feels is a good match for your personality type. That, let me tell you, can be a humbling experience. What's it like to get burned by a remake of a Game Boy Advance game? Do the test naturally to probably find out!

Anyway. We're not bitter at all - in part because you can totally cheat the test if you want. The personality quiz has 57 possible questions, and the answers to those questions will push you to one of 14 different categories. As listed on the table above, those categories are then assigned to Pokemon. If you're a boy or a girl also plays into this.

So, for instance, if you choose to be male and you primarily answer the questions in a 'Jolly' manner, you will receive Squirtle as your starter, player Pokemon. A female who answers 'Jolly' will get Totodile instead. That pans out for all of the Pokemon above - and a few of the Pokemon can only be reached as one gender. If you want to be Machop, you'll have to pick male.

Anyway - here's all the questions and their answers, with the resulting

A delinquent is hassling someone on a busy city street! What will you do?

Are there many things that you like to do?

Do you dream of lounging around idly without much excitement?

Do you like groan-inducing puns?

A foreign person has started up a conversation with you. To be honest, you don't have a clue what this fellow is saying. How do you reply?

It's the summer festival! Do you like carnivals?

Are you a cheerful personality?

Do you like to noisily enjoy yourself with others?

Do you feel lonesome when you are alone?

Do you hate to be the last person to leave class at the end of a school day?

There is a person you like... But there's no opportunity to get close. What do you do?

What do you do with your room's light when you're going to bed at night?

Do others often call you childish?

Do you like to imagine things for your amusement?

Do you sometimes run out of things to do all of a sudden?

It's a weekend, but no one will play with you... What do you do?

How quickly do you respond to a text?

Your country's leader is in front of you. How do you speak to him or her?

The road forks to the right and left. You are told there is a treasure on the right side. What do you do?

It's the summer holidays! Where would you like to go?

Do you get the feeling that you've slowed down lately?

Do you fall asleep without noticing?

It is a pleasant day at the beach. How do you feel?

Can you sincerely thank someone when you feel grateful?

Do you think you are cool? Be honest.

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?

Can you go into a haunted house?

Grab any digit on your left hand with your right hand. Which digit did you grab?

Do you tend to laugh a lot?

You are suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room! What do you do?

On vacation outings, you want to...

Do others tell you to watch what you say?

Somebody calls you "weird but funny." How does this make you feel?

There is a scream from behind a door! How will you react?

Do you often yawn?

A friend brought over something you'd forgotten. How do you thank your friend?

You are offered a choice of two gifts. Which one will you take?

You come across a treasure chest! How do you react?

Your friend fails to show up for a meeting at the promised time. What do you do?

You receive a gift! But you don't know what's in it. You're curious, so what do you do?

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?

Have you ever made a pitfall trap?

Your friend is being bullied. What do you do?

A test is coming up. How do you study for it?

Can you focus on something you like?

There is a bucket. If you put water in it, how much will you fill it?

When the going gets tough, do you get going?

You broke a rotten egg in your room! What will you do?

You notice a wallet on the side of the road.

You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... The bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?

Do you like to fight?

Do you like pranks?

Do you occasionally consider yourself dull or overly cautious?

Are you often late for school or meetings?

There is an alien invasion! What will you do?

You valiantly fight the aliens... But you are defeated... An alien says to you... "YOU HAVE IMPRESSED US. IT WAS A PLEASURE TO SEE. JOIN US, AND TOGETHER WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD." What will you do?
