Lego DC Super-Villains: here's an in-depth look at the character creator

April 2023 · 2 minute read

The Lego games are usually about playing as cute minifig versions of recognizable characters: but in Lego DC Super-Villains, players get the chance to create their very own bad guy.

Lego DC Super-Villains of course features a wide variety of DC's greatest bad guys including the likes of Harley Quinn, Lex Luthor, Solomon Grundy, Cheetah, Gorilla Grodd and of course The Joker. More important, however, is the new baddie joining the ranks - one of your own creation.

It's an obvious addition to the Lego games, in a sense: in real life you can create your own custom lego characters by swapping around the legs, torso, head, headwear and accessories - and that translates nicely into creating your own custom villain, who is introduced in the game as already a prisoner for evil deeds - the character creation menu takes the form of a criminal file being checked out by Commissioner Gordon.

The character creator, as seen in the video above, has a few different pieces to work with. You can swap out the head, neck wear like scarves and capes, hair pieces, arms, body and legs. You can also apply decals and the like, plus select weapons. We chose a sausage as a weapon. Obviously. There's even options for choosing a character 'personality', which has a further impact on what your character's abilities will be in game.

Once you're actually playing the game things should be pretty familiar to Lego game fans - you smash stuff to pieces and rebuild it, tackle enemies and of course switch characters. It's in the switching that the other iconic DC super-villains come into play - you'll want to switch between the different characters in order to make use of their unique abilities, with both optional and vital areas of the game's levels locked behind certain specific abilities.

There's some combat in the video, too - you're best to have a full look at that for yourselves. Lego DC Super-Villains is due out for pretty much everything (PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch) on October 16.
