Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate - New characters and Special team combinations

April 2023 · 3 minute read

The latest Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate update is now available on Steam and across all platforms, so let's take a look at the new characters and Special team combinations.

With this new update, Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate players can now access seven new playable characters based on various folklore and historical characters. Each new character has their own special weapon and Sacred Treasure, as well as a type which you can use to work out what type of combo they'd be suited to.

Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate - New characters

You might recognise some of the names from Warriors Orochi 3, while the others are new original characters for Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate. The rest of the 170 odd characters are still available to play, too, and new Infinity and Challenge modes are now available for all characters.

New characterType, weapon and Sacred TreasureAchillesPower, Short blade and shield, HarpeGaiaTechnique, Hecatoncheir, HecatoncheirHadesPower, Scythe, ScytheJoan of ArcTechnique, Enchanted spear, TridentPerseus/ LokiPower/ Technique, Mistilteinn, MistilteinnRyu HayabusaPower/ Speed, True Dragon Sword, LævateinnYang JianSpeed, Trident, Xiaotian

Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate - Special team combinations

Working out Special team combinations can be time-consuming, so we've made these tables to help you sort out a team quickly. Thanks to the Koei Wikifor gathering all this key info.

You can use any of these team combinations when doing the Triple Musou or Rush, so have a bash at a few combos to find your groove. Each team consists of three characters, so you can mix and match a bunch of the characters for some combos.

Combination Effect: Begin battle with a Tear of the Gods

ComboCharacters requiredBearers of the Next AgeCao Pi, Liu Shan, Sima Zhao, Kagekatsu Uesugi, Takakage KobayakawaBodyguardsDian Wei, Ranmaru Mori, Zhou Tai, Xu Zhu, XingcaiFive Tiger GeneralsGuan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Ma ChaoGenius StrategistsZhuge Liang, Zhou Yu, Jia Xu, Hanbei Takenaka, Motonari MōriMystic Realm DwellersTaigong Wang, Susano'o, Kaguya, Nezha, YinglongOda ClanNobunaga Oda, Nō, Ranmaru Mori, Mitsuhide Akechi, Katsuie ShibataShadow WarriorsKunoichi, Goemon Ishikawa, Hanzō Hattori, Kotarō Fūma, NeneTokugawa ClanIeyasu Tokugawa, Ina, Tadakatsu Honda, Naotora Ii, Naomasa IiWine and WarZhang Fei, Sun Quan, Masanori Fukushima, Guo Jia, Kenshin Uesugi

Combination Effect: Begin battle with Unity Magic gauge filled

ComboCharacters requiredFinest ArchersXiahou Yuan, Huang Zhong, InaPeach Garden BrothersLiu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang FeiSword MastersMusashi Miyamoto, Kojirō Sasaki, Munenori YagyūTale of the HeikeYoshitsune Minamoto, Benkei, Kiyomori TairaThe Power of Small FryGyūki, Dodomeki, DiamondbackThe RecklessMeng Huo, Ina, Masanori Fukushima

Combination Effect: Attack is doubled every 300 KOs

ComboCharacters requiredAzai ClanNagamasa Azai, Oichi, Yoshitsugu Ōtani, Takatora TōdōBattlefield MusiciansZhenji, Cai Wenji, Motochika Chōsokabe, Kojūrō KatakuraGenerals of WuZhou Yu, Lu Meng, Lu Su, Lu XunGuan Family SiblingsGuan Ping, Guan Xing, Guan Suo, Guan YinpingGunmenMagoichi Saika, Masamune Date, Ieyasu Tokugawa, Goemon IshikawaHōjō ClanUjiyasu Hōjō, Lady Hayakawa, Kai, Kotarō FūmaKyūshū WarriorsYoshihiro Shimazu, Toyohisa Shimazu, Ginchiyo Tachibana, Muneshige TachibanaLiang WarriorsMa Chao, Ma Dai, Pang De, Dong ZhuoRapturous BeautiesLu Lingqi, Sun Shangxiang, Kai, InaSima FamilySima Yi, Zhang Chunhua, Sima Shi, Sima ZhaoTakeda ClanShingen Takeda, Yukimura Sanada, Nobuyuki Sanada, KunoichiUesugi ClanKenshin Uesugi, Kanetsugu Naoe, Aya, Kagekatsu Uesugi

Combination Effect: Defense is doubled every 300 KOs

ComboCharacters requiredHideyoshi's ChildrenMitsunari Ishida, Kiyomasa Katō, Masanori FukushimaMaster and the 2 HanbeiHideyoshi Toyotomi, Hanbei Takenaka, Kanbei KurodaPuppet MastersJia Chong, Loki, Kanbei KurodaSun Family SiblingsSun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun ShangxiangThe Gods of OlympusZeus, Athena, AresWarriors of DutyYukimura Sanada, Mitsunari Ishida, Kanetsugu Naoe

Combination Effect: Movement speed is doubled every 300 KOs

ComboCharacters required Bedazzling DancersDiaochan, Okuni, SanzangJapan's ConquerorsNobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Ieyasu TokugawaOne-Eyed WarriorsXiahou Dun, Masamune Date, OdinRulers of the 3 KingdomsCao Cao, Sun Quan, Liu BeiThe Demon King's BloodOrochi, Orochi X, Shuten DōjiThree MysticsShennong, Fu Xi, NuwaVoluptuous BeautiesNō, Zhenji, Da Ji

If you played Warriors Orochi 3, you can import save data fro PC, PS4 and Switch saves.
