There's a really easy way to beat Quiet in MGS 5: The Phantom Pain

March 2023 · 1 minute read

If you're struggling with the Quiet boss fight in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, there's a super simple technique that takes her down fast.


Turn back now if you want to figure out how to beat Quiet by your own ingenuity. Defeating Quiet will allow you to recruit her, which you with absolutely want to do.

Kotaku has outlined the method pretty clearly, but it boils down to a single thing - using supply drops.

When you're fighting Quiet (during one of the early Side Ops), if you can track her, she'll often remain stationary for long periods of time, preparing to attack you. When she's doing this, pulling out your binoculars and ordering a supply drop right over her can do massive damage.

Add this tip to our list of the best tactics you might not be using and you'll be ready to tackle whatever The Phantom Pain throws at you.
