Mystic Messenger: V route chat times schedule Days 5 to 11 (Another Story mode)

March 2023 · 4 minute read

Mystic Messenger's V route kicks off once you reach Day 5 of Another Story. Here is the chat times schedule for the main event.

If you've made it to V route by completing the first four days of Another Story mode, congratulations! Fortunately, things get a little easier from here.

Although Another Story's chat schedule remains very demanding even after you've successfully locked in the V route, every chat on Days 5 through 11 gives you the opporunity to earn V hearts.

It's still worth consulting the chat times, though, because it's very hard to hit them all on any normal sleep and work schedule, and the cost for unlocking missed chats is more onerous than in Another Story than in other play modes.

Because of this, we've marked out how many V hearts are available in each session on the chat times schedule, so you know which ones are worth checking in for or paying to unlock. You only have to hit 50% of the available V route chat sessions, but the chats with more V heart opportunities are your best bet to help push the story in one direction or another.

This is part of our Mystic Messenger guide and a follow up to our Another Story days 1-4 chat times schedule. For further assistance, you can find plenty of tips and resources for V’s route on another page, or go for broke on spoilers and check out our full V route walkthrough and endings guide.

As usual, we highlight email opportunities and branches in the chat times schedule. Enjoy!

V route chat times: Day 5

V route chat times: Day 6

V route chat times: Day 7

V route chat times: Day 8


V route chat times: Day 9

V route chat times: Day 10

V route chat times: Day 11

This is the final day of Mystic Messenger. Make sure you’ve done everything you need to do, like make saves and action emails, before beginning the party, which becomes available from midday onwards, and cannot be missed.
