The Barbarian class comes to Baldur's Gate 3 alongside more features and improvements

March 2023 · 3 minute read

During today’s Panel From Hell: 5th Edition live show, Larian announced and released Baldur’s Gate 3’s seventh major patch, Absolute Frenzy.

The patch hails the arrival of the playable Barbarian class and the introduction and Improvised Weapons, alongside many other additions, changes and fixes, bringing the game further down the path toward 1.0.

Patch 7 adds a fog of war mechanic that obscures unexplored rooms, makes tweaks to Darkvision and light/dark detection, and much more. Of course, it also adds the Barbarian class as mentioned above, and plenty of changes and additions made possible by the community. The full patch notes are dense, and provide a more in-depth look at what’s changed, but below are some highlights.

Baldur's Gate 3 - Update 7

New Class: Barbarian

Early Access continues to be a key part of Larian’s development process, which the studio said allows it to iterate and improve with feedback to make the best game possible.

It's internal goal post for release is "a quality bar rather than a date," so a date will come, the team said, when its even closer to meeting the goal. Right now, its expectation is that Baldur’s Gate 3 will be released out of Early Access in 2023.
